Sardinia in autumn 2020

Sardinia in autumn 2020 - or also temporarily VFR under IFC What are the strange abbreviations that some people will ask themselves who do not have something to do with aviation by chance - stay tuned! The Sardinia Tour took place in the best weather on site from about 25 - 27 degrees in the valley / place

Motorbike weekend in "Good Old Switzerland" July 25-28.07.2019, XNUMX

Motorcycle weekend in “Good Old Switzerland” July 25th – 28.07.2019th, XNUMX Report of a motorcycle tour without a motorcycle from the perspective of a pillion passenger who, exceptionally, sits at the wheel of a car as a chauffeur to drive the motorcycle chief and tour organizer through Switzerland. What's going wrong there? Harald, the tour organizer and I, his pillion, come without a motorbike but with a car and [...]

Morocco Tour 2018 - Flo's travel report

Morocco Tour 2018 - Flo's travel report Morocco Tour 2018 April 13th to 29th, 2018 20 motorcycles - 25 participants Where do you start? For me, this trip was a first in two respects, something like that still happens at the age of 55! On the one hand, I have never been away for so long on an organized trip, only [...]