Due to the surprisingly good weather forecast for Corpus Christi, the tour was announced on WhatsApp at very short notice. The manageable group started after a second breakfast with Peter in Reichertshausen.
We drove along beautifully winding and sometimes smallest side streets through the spring landscape of the southern Franconian Alb, past the numerous castles and fortresses in the Ur-Danube valley. Interrupted by one or the other procession we went over Solnhofen to Eichstätt to Willibaldsburg for lunch. Then we drove via Kipfenberg, Riedenburg and Beilngries to Kelheim, past the Wallhalla and then crossed the Danube with the cable ferry at Weltenburg Abbey.
At the Hundertwasserturm in the Kuchlbauer beer garden we took another coffee and then started the last stage through the Holledau and its hop gardens. In Schweitenkirchen, directly on the A9, our paths separated after 320 km and everyone started their journey home.
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